We started our weekend with Natalie Portman's Shaved Head. A crazy, fun Seattle band. Best song? Check out Sophisticated Side Ponytail.
Luke Smith

Claire England

Shaun Libman

Amazing live. So much energy. Great fun songs. Great start to the weekend.
Second up. Low vs Diamond. Best song? Don't Forget Sister.
Lucas Field

Anthony Polcino

They were good enough, but who I was really waiting for was Matt and Kim.
Best video? Lesson's Learned which features them stripping down in New York's Time Square. Best SONG however, has to go to the incredibly catchy Yea Yeah which I couldn't stop singing all weekend.
Matt Johnson & Kim Schifino

Matt and Kim

Another really fun energetic set which featured lots of glitter explosions and crowd surfing including a go by Kim.
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