Jimi Goodwin

After four long years, the Doves are finally back with a new album, Kingdom Of Rust. I've been a huge fan since 2000 when Lost Souls was released and they were the new "it" band and "Catch The Sun" is still one of my all time favourite songs.
Jetstream, from the new album, opened the show which was unusual. Unusual because Jez isn't the main singer, that Jetstream is biggest departure from the "Doves" sound, and that apparently Jez was recovering from laryngitis. It turned out to be a good choice as he sounded great and the heavy bass/electronic beat got the crowd moving.
Jez Williams

Jimi Goodwin sounded great as usual. He has the most amazing voice and the fact that he can pull it off live has always been a joy for me. He also looks great so the time off has been good for him. 10:03 from the new album was also particularly great. I love they way it builds into an almost completely different song.
The last time I saw them was in 2005. One of the things that moved me was the fact that they had the most inspiring multimedia show with trippy video and a stunning light show. Not so much this time. Blame technical problems? It was clear during the stage setup that they were planning on using a visuals on the stage based on the projected message that was on the screen on the stage, however this did not happen. Also, the stage seemed bathed in darkness except for the lights which eminated from behindy Andy's drum kit.
Andy Williams

My only other comment on the show are that they didn't play Catch The Sun....AGAIN!
Opening the show was Wild Light from New Hampshire. I have almost nothing good to say about them based entirely on Co-leader Timothy Kyle's pants.
Jordan Alexander (got the stove pipes just right)

Yes, they have a great song. It's "California On My Mind" and you should check it out here but seriously, I could not get past the pants. Who would tell him he looked good in those really monstrous tight white stove pipes. At one point, a crowd member yelled "Nice Pants" to which Tim replied "Always about the pants. Thank you, I'm going to assume it's sincere." It wasn't. When I'm horribly distracted and appalled by your pants, enough to waste a paragraph on them, I urge you to discard them forever and let me concentrate on your music.
Seth Pitman

(Notice no photos of offensive pants. I have standards as to where I aim my lens.)
man, that guy must love those pants! people have been giving him shit since LA and he insists on wearing the pants. Principles.
additionally, great photos keri
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