I saw Art Brut the first time at Bumbershoot two years ago. I was totally blown away, by their energy, and the fun they brought to their show. Something I almost never see anymore.
Jasper Future

Eddie isn't afraid to write about his life in all it's embarrassing boring glory. Whether it's about old girlfriends, his brother, or his love of DC Comics. The songs are great on their own, but seeing them live adds an extra dimension as Eddie adds lots of details to the stories. As an example, during the song DC Comics And Chocolate Milkshakes, Eddie gave an extensive and hilarious overview of a tour they took of the actual DC Comics Headquarters. A video of that tour is HERE if you want to check it out, but I assure you that Eddie's version is better.
Eddie and Jasper

Although they didn't play my favourite song (Moving To L.A.) they did play many of some of my new favourites from their new album, Art Brut vs Satan including Alcoholics Unanimous which includes the best merch tie in ever. The song includes the line, "Bring Me Tea, Bring Me Coffee" which is blazed across coffee mugs.
Eddie Argos

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