Saturday, March 25, 2006

SXSW - Thursday, March 16, 2006

So, Okay, I'm using my new camera for the second day, so you'll notice a few less heads lopped off, but take note of some serious closeups as I learned how to use this thing.

First up, a day show at Jovita's. I love Marah, and they didn't disappoint. It was actually better then show I saw in Vancouver, maybe because Serge wasn't sick, or maybe it was because the crowd was crazy for them. This would of course be serious closeup number 1.
SXSW- Marah at Jovita's
SXSW- Marah at Jovita's

We hung out at Freddies next door after that, and had an amazing chicken fried portabello mushroom cap which was the closest I got to a vegetable in 12 days.

Anyway, moving on the Opal Divine, which was near where we were staying. We caught a band from Winnipeg called Inward Eye which were pretty heavy and one of the Canadian Buzz bands.
Inward Eye
SXSW - Inward Eye at Opal Divine
more head lopping...
SXSW - Inward Eye at Opal Divine
and a photo of a drummer for Deb, who notices that I never take any.
SXSW - Inward Eye at Opal Divine
SXSW - Inward Eye at Opal Divine
The Royal Highness are from Denmark, and part of the EMI family, so we totally checked them out. This was only the second place that ever stopped me from taking photos. The other place was at Dirty Dog while watching the incredibly crappy Office.
The Royal Highness
SXSW - The Royal Highness at  The Drink
Yup, more head lopping and drummers.
SXSW - The Royal Highness at  The Drink
SXSW - The Royal Highness at  The Drink
We got totally lost finding the Oslo which ended up being on the way to La Zona Rosa, which was convenient. Vallejo was one of my one song picks, and they turned out to be pretty good. The nicest thing about them though was that they played at a club that actually had seating which was amazing.
SXSW - Vallejo at Oslo
IV Thieves (Nic Armstrong)
SXSW - IV Thieves (Nic Armstrong)at La Zona Rosa
SXSW -  IV Thieves at La Zona Rosa
The thing about SXSW is that they seem to have all the good shows at the same time, so decisions need to be made. We chose Kris Kristofferson because he's totally cool, and because it was close to home.
Kris Kristofferson
SXSW - Kris Kristofferson at La Zona Rosa
New Camera
SXSW - Kris Kristofferson at La Zona Rosa
Similar to my old camera. Hmmm.
Off to bed because we'd heard that Neil Young was going to be playing a surprize set at this radio breakfast that they had every morning during SXSW.

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