I've loved the Old 97's for years. I must have had a period when I was really depressed that I don't remember anymore because the 97's and Nada Surf were my must see choices of the fest, and I have spent hours listening to their CD's.

The set was great, and was comprised of mostly new material that I didn't really know. I loved it though, and really loved guitarist Ken Bethea who showed you don't have to be a kid to rock..
Ken Bethea

Langhorne Slim

Strange Fruit
Performance art from Australia

Ami Shalev

Last but not least, the highlight of the day for me which was Tel-Aviv rockers Monotonix's aborted 15 minute set at the Exhibition Hall.
When we arrived, we found their equipment set up on the floor instead of the stage, and when the band finally began their set I couldn't see a thing as I was pretty much in the back of the throng. Having no barrier between band and audience made for a crazy, anything can happen, energy, so I eventually made my way through he crowd as close as possible. At that point, Ami was pretty much performing atop the audience limbs. In that slim 15 minute set he managed to moon the crowd, play 3 or 4 songs, and ride atop the crowd in a garbage can. Reports are the the fire marshall shut down the show for the tossing of said garbage can.
Catch most of the show plus Avi's closing remarks at YouTube HERE
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